Looking for ugly code comparisons

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr
Fri Dec 12 16:40:12 EST 2008

Le 12 déc. 08 à 19:50, Bill Marriott a écrit :

> If about 100x as many users end up using Revolution, it might be  
> possible
> one day to invest in, say, a Spanish variant and still have it  
> deemed an
> "xTalk." Despite their widespread usage I don't know of a similar  
> option for
> C++, Java, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, HTML, etc., which all use  
> snippets of
> English in their syntax. So, the teeming masses of children you  
> speak of
> will be in the same boat. Sorry but nowadays English is the  
> international
> language of business and technology.

I think you missed the point. Kids are not in business or technology.  
They are in childhood.

As far as educated adults (or teens) are concerned, I completely agree  
that, for better of worse, english is nowadays' lingua franca ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingua_franca 

cheers from Paris

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