Looking for ugly code comparisons

Bill Marriott wjm at wjm.org
Fri Dec 12 13:50:29 EST 2008

If about 100x as many users end up using Revolution, it might be possible 
one day to invest in, say, a Spanish variant and still have it deemed an 
"xTalk." Despite their widespread usage I don't know of a similar option for 
C++, Java, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, HTML, etc., which all use snippets of 
English in their syntax. So, the teeming masses of children you speak of 
will be in the same boat. Sorry but nowadays English is the international 
language of business and technology.

"François Chaplais" wrote

> I believe that most posters imply that rev is easy to learn because it  is 
> close to "natural" language, with "natural" = english here. Plead 
> remember that, for a vast majority of children around the world,  english 
> is something as exotic as, let's say, baseball. 

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