Looking for ugly code comparisons WAS: Slashdotter looking for kids' programming language

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at lacscentre.co.uk
Fri Dec 12 06:52:36 EST 2008

On 12 Dec 2008, at 00:48, Judy Perry wrote:

> I just want to show people
> that you can do things easier -- and certainly easier for a child --  
> in Rev
> than in all those other languages being suggested.

I'll play Devil's Advocate.

There seems to be some assumptions about what is easier for a child.  
One of these assumptions is that a "simple English-like syntax" is  
simpler than other kinds of syntax. I wonder if that is not an adult  

Compare these two ways of representing properties:

the text of me

I'd argue that the second is more visually representative of what we  
are trying to express. The dot becomes a "joining symbol" which is  
more easily remembered than the strange syntax of space + of + space.  
And what on earth is "the" all about?

Perhaps I'm saying that Rev is a great language for old people to take  
up. :-)


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