Ann: New article: Software Marketing Case Study

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Dec 10 14:31:46 EST 2008

David Simpson recently contributed a very useful article on marketing 
your software, now posted as the lead story on revJournal:


I've long admired the thoroughness and professionalism of David's 
marketing, and am grateful he took the time to put together this case 
study loaded with specific things all of us can apply to our own 
marketing efforts.

Thanks, David.

If any of you would like to write an article for revJournal just send it 
to me as text or HTML.  As a webzine of, for, and by Rev developers, 
we're especially interested in helpful tips, tutorials, and "making of" 
stories that describe how you developed your products made with Rev, but 
will be happy to consider just about anything that would be of interest 
to the Rev developer community.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  Revolution training and consulting:
  Webzine for Rev developers:

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