a regular expression question, or at least a text manipulation question

Jim Ault JimAultWins at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 27 18:36:05 EDT 2008

Just thinking, and here is a bit more compact code to do the job:
It should run about the same speed.

>   repeat for each line LNN in incomingList
>     put word 1 of LNN & cr after prefixList
>   end repeat
>   split prefixList using cr and tab
>   put the keys of prefixList into prefixList

could be replaced by the three-liner

  get incomingList
  split it using cr and space
  put the keys of it into prefixList

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 8/27/08 2:22 PM, "Jim Ault" <JimAultWins at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I may be solving the wrong problem for you but see if this works
> The prefix will always be word 1 of each line
> You do not need case-sensitive
> the delimiter is a tab
> ------------- start copy
> on test
>   put the clipboarddata into incomingList
>   filter incomingList without empty
>   repeat for each line LNN in incomingList
>     put word 1 of LNN & cr after prefixList
>   end repeat
>   split prefixList using cr and tab
>   put the keys of prefixList into prefixList
>   set the itemdel to tab
>   repeat for each line LNN in prefixList
>     get incomingList
>     filter it with LNN & "*"
>     replace cr with tab in it
>     put it & cr after packedList
>   end repeat
>   put packedList into msg
> end test
> ------ end copy
> Jim Ault
> Las Vegas
> On 8/27/08 1:35 PM, "Peter Alcibiades" <palcibiades-first at yahoo.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> How do you do the following?
>> I have a series of lines which go like this
>> |  [record separator, new record starts]
>> AAA consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
>> BBB lorem ipsum
>> CCC consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
>> CCC laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
>> DDD ut aliquip ex ea commodo
>> | [record separator]
>> AAA adipisicing elit, sed   [new record starts]
>> | is the record separator.
>> In the above, its CCC that is repeated, but it could be any prefix.  Also CCC
>> is next to its repetition.  This will always be the case.
>> I want to go through the file.  When I find a single prefix (like AAA) this
>> should be written to the output file.  when the next line starts with the
>> same prefix (as in the CCC cases, I want to put both occurences on the same
>> line.  So the desired output would be
>> AAA consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
>> BBB lorem ipsum
>> CCC consectetur adipisicing elit, sed CCC laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
>> DDD ut aliquip ex ea commodo
>> EOR
>> AAA adipisicing elit, sed
>> How do I detect a repetition of that sort and do this?
>> A similar question, if the line is
>> CCC  adipisicing elit, sed TAB CCC  adipisicing elit, sed
>> How do you detect the multiple occurence (I can do this with regex) and then
>> write out in place of thie above expression (this I don't see how to do) the
>> following:
>> CCC  adipisicing elit, sed CCC  adipisicing elit, sed
>> Obviously, the pseudo latin is different in each case, so no way to check
>> using that.
>> Peter
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