date_Construct8601 (was numberformat)
Sarah Reichelt
sarah.reichelt at
Tue Aug 26 20:16:34 EDT 2008
Hi David,
Here is my re-working of your function:
function date_Construct8601 someDate, someTime, extended, isUTC
if someTime is empty then
-- returning date only
convert someDate to dateItems
put item 1 of someDate into y
put item 2 of someDate into mons
put item 3 of someDate into d
convert someDate to internet date
if extended is true then
-- 1981-04-05
put "%4d-%02d-%02d" into baseString
-- 19810405
put "%4d%02d%02d" into baseString
end if
put format(baseString, y, mons, d) into fDate
return fDate
-- returning date & time as either local or UTC
convert (someDate && someTime) to internet date
put it into someDate
put word -1 of someDate into utcOffset
convert someDate to dateItems
put item 1 of someDate into y
put item 2 of someDate into mons
put item 3 of someDate into d
put item 4 of someDate into h
put item 5 of someDate into mins
put item 6 of someDate into s
if isUTC is true then
-- UTC specific code
put char 2 to 3 of utcOffset into extraHours
put char 4 to 5 of utcOffset into extraMin
if char 1 of utcOffset is "-" then
add extraHours to h
add extraMin to m
subtract extraHours from h
subtract extraMin from m
end if
if extended is true then
-- 1981-04-05T14:30:30-05:00
put "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ" into baseString
-- 19810405T14:30:30-05 00
put "%4d%02d%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ" into baseString
end if
put format(baseString, y, mons, d, h, mins, s) into fDate
return fDate
-- Local specific code
if extended is true then
-- 1981-04-05T14:30:30-05:00
put "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d %04s" into baseString
-- 19810405T14:30:30-05 00
put "%4d%02d%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%04s" into baseString
end if
put format(baseString, y, mons, d, h, mins, s, utcOffset) into fDate
return fDate
end if
end if
end date_Construct8601
- instead of using your padding function and numberFormat, I just used
format to supply the leading zeroes as required.
- your UTC calculation was going the wrong way. I am in +1000 time
zone, and to get to UTC, I have to subtract 10 from the local hours,
not add.
- there was some code duplication between the UTC and local date/time
sections, so I re-organised the structure of the if-else-end if"s to
avoid this.
Thanks for providing an interesting challenge :-)
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