Property Profiles - differences on Mac and Windows (language issues)

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Aug 18 08:30:01 EDT 2008

Hi Christian,

The text encoding in fields is respected when you move your stack from  
one platform to another. All text in fields is converted to make it  
display correctly in other operating systems. Data in properties is  
not converted, because this would corrupt the data.

An easy way to overcome this problem might be to save your strings in  
a field and retrieve the data from this field instead of a custom  

The correct way to do this would be to create profiles not only for  
each language but also for each platform. You would need a number of  
profiles equal to number of languages times number of platforms.

For a long time, profiles caused a lot of problems. if you use  
profiles, I would recommend testing your software extensively, with  
special attention for profiles, before distributing it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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  for more info.

On 18 aug 2008, at 14:09, Christian Langers wrote:

> Hello,
> I just finished translating my app into 3 languages ; I developped  
> on a Mac and I wanted to test my app on Windows.
> Surprise, surprise the objects lables/text in German (Umlauts  
> mainly) or French (accents) are not respected (instead of Umlauts  
> you have different symbols) on the Win machine...
> Everything works fine on my Mac...
> Is there a way to correct this problem ? Why is the Rev engine not  
> taking this into account ? or are there ways of doing that I ignore ?
> Please help ;-)
> Thx,
> Christian
> Luxembourg

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