Correct way to import icons?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri Aug 15 10:41:05 EDT 2008

Hi Tiemo,

The easiest way is to import your icons into the main stack or a  
separate substack and then do everything the same way as you already do.

If you have only one stack with one card, you can simply hide the  
imported pictures.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 15 aug 2008, at 16:10, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

> Hi there, again a beginners question, sometimes I think I have to  
> stick with
> every new feature I'll try. What is the correct way to import icons  
> for
> using as button icons?
> I experienced the way to import them as an image control and assign  
> them to
> the buttons. But this way I have the icon images present on the  
> card. I
> think there must be a way to import them as a "resource", to use  
> them for
> buttons, but not having them on the card. I have seen the menu to  
> create a
> new image library and import my icons into that new library, but  
> when trying
> to assign the icons out of this new library I don't have this new  
> library as
> a choice to select and don't see it. I also tried "start using stack  
> "my
> icons", but rev doesn't knows this stack.
> What am I missing?
> Thank you
> Tiemo

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