missing a basic with drag
Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de
Thu Aug 14 05:54:30 EDT 2008
Hi Tiemo.
> Hello,
> I think I am missing some basic setup for providing a function with
> which
> the user can drag around an image on the card (to position the img for
> printing) What I did is:
> on dragStart
> put the name of the target into gDragTarget - global
> ---
> on dragMove
> set the loc of gDragTarget to the mouseloc
> ---
> I get the dragStart trigger, but the image doesn't move. Do I have
> to set
> any property of the image to be draggable? (I found this property
> only with
> stacks, but not objects.?) What am I missing?
> Thanks for any hint to a still beginner :-)
dragstart/dragmove/dragenter etc. are meant for "Drag and Drop"
You are probably looking for a simple:
on mousedown
grab me
end mousedown
In the script of the object to be "drag"ged around :-)
> Tiemo
Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de
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