livecard/stacks over internet?

Mark Stuart mfstuart at
Sat Aug 9 23:53:36 EDT 2008

Hi Eric and all,


Just an FYI on this.companies are already stepping up to this technology.


In my day job I develop with a tool called Magic eDeveloper
<> . The company just released a new version
(uinPaaS) that allows the developer to now select a "Rich Client" form type.
This type of form can be deployed to an internet user or to an "in office"
user. Actually, to either user at the same time. 

The Rich Client application requires no different developer work at all,
except of course to select the newer form type - Rich Client.

But the neat thing about this newer product, it allows the developer to
change the existing windows form to a Rich Client form and it converts
automatically. Actually, there is no conversion. The Runtime engine knows
the difference and delivers the appropriate technology.


And this is cool technology that now allows a software company to develop
RIA SaaS-enabled applications. It gives the software application purchaser
the power to choose how they deploy their purchased application, whether
Full Client or web; on-premise or on-demand software; and whether global or


So with all this to say or ask of RunRev, is this technology in the works
for the future Runtime Revolution product?



Mark Stuart


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