Re-2: Removing CRLF from text

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Aug 7 10:49:03 EDT 2008

Hi Mikey,

On Unix systems, the line delimiter is ASCII 10. On HyperCard, ASCII  
13 was used. On HyperCard is was called a return and a way had to be  
invented to make conversion of HyperCard stacks, as well as HyperCard  
users, to Revolution as easy as possible. Treating both linefeeds and  
returns as linefeeds as equals really made this easier.

The question remains, what would have happened if Revolution had used  
ASCII 13? Probably, this would have complicated using Rev stacks as  
shell and CGI scripts in Unix systems.


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Op 7-aug-2008, om 16:34 heeft Mikey het volgende geschreven:

> Weird again.  I have learned more things today that I wished I did  
> not.  I
> wonder why it's implemented this way.

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