Removing CRLF from text

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Wed Aug 6 20:29:22 EDT 2008

> I have a situation where a software application's ini file has the plus (+)
> char and CRLF at the end of a line, when the line passes 80 characters. The
> balance of the ini entry is placed on the next line. Each ini entry could be
> very long and possibly go to 3 lines.
> Why they did this I don't know, really.
> But what I need to do is remove the + and CRLF so that each ini entry is
> complete in itself, on one line.
> ini file currently contains:
> dfgsdfg sdfgsd fgsdfgsdf gsdfg +
> sdfgadfs dgdghs dfdfgg fghf+
> dfgh dfgh
> Result I'd like after running the script:
> dfgsdfg sdfgsd fgsdfgsdf gsdfg sdfgadfs dgdghs dfdfgg fghf dfgh dfgh

what about:

   replace "+" & CRLF with empty in tData


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