Are crash reports useful

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Wed Aug 6 13:45:43 EDT 2008

Bonsoir Jacque,

All you say is relevant as usual :-)
But I would add (because I discussed some times ago with Mark  
Waddingham) that these extended Win logs are not readable by us, poor  
humans, but by Runrev only.
So, it's a bit frustrating to make the effort to send something you  
absolutely don't understand.
Some header in clear would help... and not feel as we were guinea  
pigs only ;-)
The result: a few crash reports are finally sent.

Le 6 août 08 à 19:27, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

> Bernard Devlin wrote:
>> Since using Rev on Vista in the past few months I manage to crash  
>> the IDE
>> almost every day, sometimes up to 4 times a day.  It's hard to say  
>> what it
>> is that is causing the crash.  Sometimes just working with the  
>> debugger
>> (either GLX2 or the Rev native one), and clicking on a line or  
>> scrolling or
>> moving the mouse will cause the crash.  Are these kinds of crash  
>> reports of
>> any use?
>> Problem signature:
>>   Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
>>   Application Name:    Revolution.exe
>>   Application Version:
>>   Application Timestamp:    47f4e195
>>   Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll
>>   Fault Module Version:    6.0.6000.16386
>>   Fault Module Timestamp:    4549bdc9
>>   Exception Code:    c0000005
>>   Exception Offset:    000620e3
>>   OS Version:    6.0.6000.
>>   Locale ID:    2057
>>   Additional Information 1:    7a27
>>   Additional Information 2:    16640c7e27f99d414fc9152a5811d877
>>   Additional Information 3:    7917
>>   Additional Information 4:    af727dc1fb4fc0b77ddd4f47eaa24864
> Better is to follow these instructions:
> ***
> There is a new preference in the General pane of the Revolution  
> Preference dialog called 'Crash reporting on Windows XP'. This  
> determines the type of crash log written out when the engine  
> encounters a serious error (if it is running on Windows XP). The  
> setting of 'None' causes no log to be generated, the setting of  
> 'Small' causes an outline crash log to be generated and the setting  
> of 'Medium' causes a more verbose and larger crash log to be  
> generated.
> Any crash logs generated when this option is not set to 'None' can  
> be found in the folder:
>   Documents and Settings/<username>/Application Data/Runtime  
> Revolution/Revolution <edition type>/Crash Logs
> They are named with the version and time and date of launch of the  
> IDE which eventually crashed.
> The setting of this preference only take effect the next time you  
> startup the IDE.
> ***
> Although it says "XP" I believe the reports also work on Vista. The  
> location of the log on Vista should be in <user name>/AppData.  
> Create a bug report in the QCC and paste the log info into it. That  
> will help the team track down the cause. Please do submit a bug  
> report, as crashes get top priority. Set the status of your report  
> as "critical".
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |

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