The Euro symbol

Martin Baxter mb.userev at
Tue Aug 5 17:13:25 EDT 2008

Devin Asay wrote:
> On Aug 4, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Martin Baxter wrote:
>> Devin Asay wrote:
>>> 1. The html entity for the Euro symbol is "¤"
>> I guess you are a mac user Devin? The html entity for the euro symbol
>> used in web pages is "€". "¤" may give you the euro symbol
>> on a mac, IIRC mac roman replaced its currency symbol with the euro
>> symbol some years back, but on Windows here I get the dear old currency
>> symbol when I use "¤" and, in Revolution, "€" just displays
>> unmodified, unfortunately.
>> Would be nice if € worked, I can't think of any reason why it
>> couldn't. I've used € or numtochar(128) on windows when needed.
> Wow, that's really curious, and disturbing. On my Mac, if I do
>     set the htmlText of fld 1 to "€"
> I get, as you do, the string "€" in the field. And ¤ gives a
> Euro symbol on Mac, and the generic "circle atop an X" symbol on
> Windows. All along, I've just assumed that html entities were the same
> across platforms. I mean, isn't that the point?
> It looks like the only reliable way is to use unicode.
> Devin

I'm pretty sure the reason is that Revolution's htmltext was designed
before the € entity was agreed. Would have been back in the day
when the mac had the currency symbol at that character position. Since
then the glyph has changed. I think that windows-1252's addition of the
euro glyph at position 128 probably also postdates the design of the
htmltext. This sounds like it might be a good enhancement request since,
in effect, the htmltext no longer reflects the character sets actually
in use today.

Would it inconvenience anybody's existing code to change this I wonder?

Martin Baxter

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