Who owns old icons?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Sun Aug 3 08:01:26 EDT 2008

Hi Kay,

We discussed similar possibilities. Apple isn't going to do that,  
because it would be too expensive to make it official. They just  
refuse to do *anything* with HyperCard.

There's one thing that very much surprises me, given Apple's  
statements. The link <http://www.apple.com/hypercard> still exists.  
Previously, it contained a product description, later it referred to  
the Apple store, and now it redirects to.... Wikipedia! I get the  
impression that someone at Apple must still have warm feelings for it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See http://economy-x-talk.com/server.html 
  for more info.

On 3 aug 2008, at 13:42, Kay C Lan wrote:
> Yes, AppleWorks is there but I can't remember seeing the IIGS there.
> Again, as I stated in my first post, this is my impression, not a  
> statement
> of the true legal situation. Whilst Marketing, R&D may know that HC  
> is dead,
> and high placed exec's in certain circumstances may state that HC is  
> dead,
> can you guarantee the legal vultures want come calling.
> My reference to HC not being dead was not as a starry eyed User ever  
> hopeful
> of HCs resurrection but in context of the legal ramifications of  
> copying
> other people's work, even if it is old work. IMO I don't think what  
> Richmond
> has done with the HC button icons is kosher, but I don't think Apple  
> will
> come calling. On the other hand, did you ask the GD of Apple Europe  
> if you
> could convert all the official HC documents to pdf format and  
> distribute it
> and everything that came on the floppies onto a single CD and then  
> sell if
> for a small price? If you didn't ask that question, what do you  
> imagine the
> answer would be?
> To me, the existence of HC on the Apple software registration site  
> is all
> Apple needs to do to confirm they are still very much the owners of  
> all
> things HC. ie it's not public domain. It will be lawyers, not  
> Marketing, R&D
> or GDs, who decide what to do with people who don't respect that  
> ownership.
> Not a lawyer so I'm probably completely wrong.

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