HC icons as Jpegs.

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at proactive-intl.com
Sat Aug 2 18:01:39 EDT 2008

> > I need to be enlightened:
> > But don't take it bad :-)
> >
> > What is this HC nostalgia?
> >
> shared memories? Culture? Things museums are made for?

Related to this - how many of you have very ancient macs sitting about, or
some of the older weird ones/peripherals?

We have an ancient SE/30 and a PowerCD. The PowerCD was cool because you
could view Kodak PhotoCDs (the older, high resolution ones) on your
television. Even has a remote. And HyperCard runs very nicely on the SE/30.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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