Picture DATA and how to show it

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at comcast.net
Mon Apr 28 16:46:48 EDT 2008


The AS dict says "     data (picture) : data for this artwork, in the  
form of a picture     " but it does not refer to it's type or how it  
is stored i.e. Hex etc.

If I get the format for this in AS it states {«class PNG »} so even  
though it states PICT I think it is a PNG.

Export and import just hang up RR.

I have not used convert to binary before. What's the best way to  
handle that?


Tom McGrath

On Apr 28, 2008, at 4:25 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> I'd say this is a PICT file in hex form. I don't know whether you  
> should convert it to binary first, but you could always try to write  
> it to a file on disk and then import it, either as PICT or, if that  
> doesn't work, as PNG.
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille

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