the Show menu ???

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Fri Apr 25 14:20:29 EDT 2008

This doesn't seem to lead anywhere:

"To see a list of messages that can be sent to a
graphic as a result of user actions or internal
Revolution events, open the "Transcript Language
Dictionary" page of the main Documentation window, and
choose "Graphic Messages" from the Show menu at the
top."  Dcard 2.6.1

There is no "Show" menu (Mac OS 10)


"open the "Dictionary" page of the main Documentation
window, ensure that the graphic column is visible and
use sort and filter to bring the relevant entries to
the top"

Couldn't find "sort and filter".

Maybe I'm just being silly and have overlooked

Ouch . . . wait a minute . . . I found the "Show" menu
in the Transcript dictionary of my copy of RR 2.0.1.

Ahah! Finally tracked down something reasonably
comprehensible in my copy of RR 1.1.1 (ancient

However, I am still no clearer as to how I should set
the style of a graphic I am creating.

I would like to do the following:

[what follows is NOT code]

change the tool to either brush or pencil
and draw a vaguely oval-shaped figure somewhere on a

without using the mouse (i.e. purely through code).

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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