Identifying a USB camera
Richmond Mathewson
geradamas at
Fri Apr 25 05:42:55 EDT 2008
Here's a thought:
run a wee script:
put the volumes into fld "fLIST"
certainly my tatty, cheapo, no-name digital camera
just shows up as an un-named volume (mind you this is
on a Mac).
all the other volumes (i.e. my hard drives) have names
. . .
my experience of Macintosh is that UNLESS you fiddle
around with the system prefs as soon as I plug my
camera in a slightly silly photo program automatically
launches, identifies the camera, and starts doing all
sorts of things I didn't ask it to.
Having set the system prefs so a digital volume (such
as a camera or movie-camera mounts as a 'normal'
volume you should be able to treat it just like any
other volume.
I spent about 30 minutes guttering about with the
settings on my computer; and now it can 'see' the
camera as a volume; but it will not behave with my
son's mobile phone.
sincerely, Richmond Mathewson
A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.
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