Default audio device does NOT record audio when it is a firewire device
Mark Schonewille
m.schonewille at
Wed Apr 23 07:43:28 EDT 2008
Hallo Frans,
Graag gedaan ;-)
With Wizard, I don't mean a tool to switch the hardware, just a simple
window to choose the correct user input in Revolution, unless your
problem is that you are completely unable to set the sound input to
the Firewire source. Are you completely unable to use Revolution to
record from your Firewire device?
Mark and Kevin don't necessarily read this list, but if you enter a
new bug in the QCC, one of them probably will read that.
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
A large collection of scripts for HyperCard, Revolution, SuperCard and
other programming languages can be found at
On 23 apr 2008, at 13:00, frans schoffelen wrote:
> On 23.04.2008, at 12:12, use-revolution-request at
> wrote:
> Mark Schonewille wrote on the Use-Rev list :
> Hey Mark,
> bedankt voor je snelle antwoord.
>> Just enter it as a new bug. Revolution originates from a time without
>> FireWire and just doesn't check for devices attached to a built-in
>> FireWire port. This should be easy to fix (but I might be wrong).
> I was going to do that. Then decided first to make sure there's no
> one out there
> who had already dealt with it in another way. I will enter it if
> nothing comes up
> soon.
>> In the mean time, you can refrain from the default input and show a
>> little wizard, which helps the user to choose the correct input.
> Alas that won't help. Since most Firewire interfaces are "good
> stuff" and
> all microphones, gear would be attached to that interface ( usually
> 24 bit
> and with GREAT microphone pre-amps) we can't expect people in studios
> and music gear shops to start switching stuff around just for our
> program.
> especially not since the internal mic and external input just are not
> that good quality...
> So here's a request to Kevin and Marc : You know I've been dealing
> with
> Rev and Audio in the CBT field for a long time now : Wouldn't it be
> possible
> to add the firewire interfaces to "The possible soundSources" ?
> USB already is.
> In dire straits we would even consider an external...
> regards
> groetjes uit Berlijn
> Frans
> Frans Schoffelen
> Tim Oldfield
> Sarah Terberg
> / home of iCal alarmist
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