Problem with put URL and websites

Phil Davis revdev at
Thu Apr 17 00:43:56 EDT 2008

Warning: I don't know much about this kind of thing.
Is it possible that the TimeSpan item is being set by the 
"drawLocations" JS function in this file?:

(That's a ref in the source of your mapquest URL below).

Phil Davis

Fred moyer wrote:
> Based on replies I have received (thanks for them) I don't think I 
> explained the situation properly. Let me try again: Until a month ago, 
> I was able to retrieve the drive time between two zip codes by using 
> (for example):
>    put "" into bunchofText
> Up until about a month ago, bunchofText would contain (for example):
>    Total Estimated Time: 1 hour 35 minutes
> Therefore, it was a simple matter of using offset("Total Estimated 
> Time:", bunchofText) to retrieve the drive time between two zip codes.
> Then, suddenly my script didn't work. Using Variable Watcher I found 
> that bunchofText now contains some mysterious code. It now looks like 
> this:
>    Total Estimated Time: <span class="timeSpan" 
> id="dirTimeSummary"></span>
> Obviously, I now can't retrieve the drive time. Does anyone have any 
> ideas what I should do?  Incidentally, I have tried using revBrowser. 
> But when I use the following script:
> on mouseup
>   put the windowid of this stack into tWinID
>   put "" into tAddress
>   put revBrowserOpen(tWinID,tAddress) into tBrowserID
>   revBrowserSet tBrowserID, "showborder","true"
>   revBrowserSet tBrowserID, "rect",rect of img "browserimage"
>   put revBrowserGet(tBrowserID,"htmltext")
> end mouseup
> Revolution crashes
> Any suggestions/help would be most appreciated!
> Thanks
> Fred Moyer
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Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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