OT: Re: Alphabeticisation ?

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Wed Apr 16 14:29:47 EDT 2008


The problem about Plovdiv is that you have precious
little chance of finding a book in your subject area
of which you have not previously heard.

It's not just Plovdiv. Libraries are going this way in general as 
computerized systems replace card catalogs and closed stacks become 
standard. The University of California's Doe Library went to a closed stack 
system some years ago for some obscure bureaucratic reasons. The (backhanded 
obligatory Arthur C Clarke reference) serendipity of contextual proximity is 
what we've all but lost with the demise of open stacks and physical card 

 Mark Wieder
 mwieder at ahsoftware.net 

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