Beta testers who get nothing . . .

-= JB =- sundown at
Wed Apr 16 07:41:13 EDT 2008

Here is a message that was posted concerning the release of 2.9 being  

	Subject: 	Re: concerning 2.9 as "free"
	From: 	  wjm at
	Date: 	February 25, 2008 10:19:39 AM PST

Heather has posted this information in the forums. I'll do the same  

You get Rev 2.9 for free if:
     - You had an active update pack/license on 1 February 2006
     - You purchased any version of Revolution 2.7.x
     - You bought a RevSelect Holiday bundle
     - You have an active license pack valid on the date of 2.9's  

The free updates do not affect any other aspect of licensing. Your  
is not extended another three months or year, for example. You are just
getting the new version.

Example 1:

Bill has a Studio 2.6.1 license that expired Feb 5, 2006. He has not
purchased any new versions since then. He gets Rev 2.9 for free, but
otherwise his license is still "inactive." He'll have to renew the  
for any future versions.

Example 2:

Charles bought Revolution 2.7.3 and 2.8.1 and the RevSelect Holiday  
His license is current through December 2008. He'll receive Rev 2.9  
as part
of his update pack license, as well as any versions released the rest of
this year.

We have not announced what versions will follow 2.9, but you're  
correct that
if you don't have an update pack, these will not be free upgrades. (A  
reason to get your licks in on the final beta.)



On Apr 16, 2008, at 4:14 AM, Petrides, M.D. Marian wrote:

> Richmond,
> Such is the nature of public betas.  People who beta tested OSX as  
> part of the public beta still had to buy it.
> However, I thought purchasers of 2.7 got a free upgrade. Or am I  
> wrong?  You might want to check with Rev support.

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