good Rev demos

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Apr 10 10:59:33 EDT 2008


If you want to demo a OSX-only app, you might want to have a look at < 
 >. This programme records screen actions and turns them into a  
QuickTime movie. I don't know whether Flash can do this, but if they  
can't I think they would envy us Rev users. Make sure to experiment  
with it before doing a demo. Write me off-list if you need help (or  
write me off-list anyway, if you're going to use it).

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

A large collection of scripts for HyperCard, Revolution, SuperCard and  
other programming languages can be found at

On 10 apr 2008, at 16:50, Colin Holgate wrote:
> I think I have enough leads now! It is a bit abstract a request, I  
> know, but I want to show things that are both not a stereotypical  
> HyperCard like stack, and not something that a Flash person would  
> say "oh I could do that in about 10 minutes in Flash". The more like  
> a standard OSX app they look the better, because even if you could  
> do something on those lines in Flash, it would no doubt have that  
> Flash-like feel to it, enough to not feel like a real application.

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