why does this not work and how do you do it?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Thu Apr 10 05:06:01 EDT 2008

Hi Peter,

No, I don't think this is specific to Linux. There are similar  
problems on Mac OS X.

"The other odd thing" might be yet another bug in Rev or a problem in  
your script. You might want to tell us more about it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

A large collection of scripts for HyperCard, Revolution, SuperCard and  
other programming languages can be found at http://runrev.info

On 10 apr 2008, at 08:36, Peter Alcibiades wrote:
> Jacque and Mark -  thanks, "select the text of" does indeed work.  I'd
> previously
> tried 'select after' which did not work.
> It must definitely be a bug then, and apparently specific to the Linux
> build?
> Its a very specific problem.  Its not that focus on field does not  
> work.  On
> the
> same screen I have a backup handler at card level to trap  
> miscellaneous
> mouse clicks and
> restore focus to the field.  That one does work fine.
> The other odd thing about this is,  there is a card script which  
> just does
> focus on field
> if there is a mouse up.  This works fine if you click anywhere on the
> screen.  But it does
> not work if it is invoked by 'send mouseUp to this card'.
> Peter

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