AW: AW: 2.9 and wmv video?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Apr 4 15:10:22 EDT 2008

Jim Sims wrote:
>>>> Download
>>> It is a simple card with one button that opens another card which
>>> has a player and some btns. Select a WMV to play.
> Has anyone else tested WMV playback (with or without the test stack
> I refer to above)?

I haven't used your test stack, but I have one of my own that I sent to 
a client and one of his team members as a standalone.  It simply sets 
the dontUseQT to true on startup, then lets the user select and play a 
WMV as does yours.

All three of us can play WMVs with this stack without issue.

The stack was built with 2.9b6, IIRC, and I haven't had occasion to test 
since so I can't speak with confidence on GM1.

That said, I don't believe any further changed were made to Windows 
video support since the version I last used, so I would imagine the 
behavior has not changed in the final shipping v2.9.

I have found WMV files come in a wide variety of codec formats, so the 
first thing I would try is to verify that the file plays well in WMP.

If it does, the second thing I would try is to verify that dontUseQT is 
set to true before the filename of the player is set to the WMV file.

If both of those are in order and it still doesn't play, please let me 
know and also file a report on it.


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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