Reversing a list

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu Apr 3 20:14:50 EDT 2008

And the winner is.......

Jacque (with one modification).

local tCount

function reverseList pList
    put the number of lines in pList into tCount
    sort lines of pList by mySort()
    return pList
end reverseList

function mySort
    subtract 1 from tCount
    return tCount
end mySort

I had thought that Jacque's must be faster than Jan's because Jan's
does more operations per cycle, but it was a bit slower. Then I
noticed that Jacque had used "sort lines of pList by mySort(each)"
where Jan had left out the "each". Deleting the "each" from Jacque's
function made it the fastest. Fractionally faster than Jan's, it takes
about 2/3 of the time of Mark's solution using arrays, and it way
faster than the string method.

Thanks everyone - fun and instructive :-)


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