SuckUp-SpitOut OS9 app

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Tue Apr 1 04:19:30 EDT 2008

Hi Scott,

On both Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 you need to set the filetype to "???? 
APPL" (or use whatever creator type you have chosen for your  
application instead of the question marks).

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

A large collection of scripts for HyperCard, Revolution, SuperCard and  
other programming languages can be found at

On 1 apr 2008, at 09:34, Scott Morrow wrote:
> While I seem able to suck up a Windows executable (into a custom  
> prop) and then spit it out in working order, I'm having trouble  
> doing the same with Mac OS9 applications.
> In addition to sucking up the application with < url ("binfile:" &  
> tPathToApp) >
> I also get the resource fork using  <  get URL ("resfile:" &  
> tPathToApp) >
> I then reconstitute the application with  <  put (the uApplication  
> of this stack)  into URL ("binfile:" & tInstallPath)  >
> and reset the resources using <  put (the uAppResource of this  
> stack) into URL ("resfile:" & tInstallPath)  >
> ResEdit shows the resources for the reconstituted OS9 app to be in  
> place but something obviously isn't quite right as the app loses its  
> icon and opens with TextEdit when double-clicked.  I'm hoping  
> someone will know what I'm doing wrong...
> Enterprise  2.9.0 rc-4
> PPC OSX 10.5  (&  10.2)
> Thanks
> -Scott Morrow

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