Crash - error 0xc000005

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Sep 15 11:00:31 EDT 2007

Hi Arie,

Does this happen to ALL standalones that you produce, or only with  
this particular standalone? Do you have any repeat loops, which don't  
finish with certainty (perhaps the geometry manager?). Any send  
commands that might cause recursion? Are you using AltBrowser/ 
RevBrowser? Does the error also happen if you just start the  
standalone and don't touch it?

Searching the internet for information, I don't conclude that the  
problem is related to games. Most of the hits I get are related to  
Explorer, but that's only because Explorer is used by all Windows  
users. It seems that this error is a very general error and means  
little more than "sorry an error occurred". You really need to tell a  
little more about what is going on.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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Op 15-sep-2007, om 16:25 heeft Arie van der Ent het volgende geschreven:

> Hello all,
> Windows XP is terra  incognita for me. I  have built a small  
> application that has to work as standalone on a PC  with Windows  
> XP  installed. After about 5 minutes of proper use the application  
> crashes and error 0xc000005 is reported. We installed the  
> application on several  PC's and in alle cases the error occurred  
> after about 5 minutes.
> I searched this list for this kind of error. No hits. Searching on  
> Google there is a huge amount of hits, most in relation to games.  
> May be one of you can tell me what this is about. Something about  
> registry I presume.  But I  don't know how to handle it.
> Regards,
> Arie van der Ent
> Arie's  koppieshop - The Netherlands

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