Rev 2.8.1 NOT Leopard ready!

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Tue Oct 30 15:29:23 EDT 2007

Ken Ray wrote:

"Don't be ridiculous, Richmond.."

and why on earth not?

It sure stimulated the debate!

Of course it is worth developing for 10.5; and as time
goes on it will get easier - however it will involve
both a financial and a mental investment (Um, what new
thing doesn't ?) - and the mental investment, at
least, may decrease with 10.5.1 and so on.

One thing that is "a bit much" is that just as Apple
has finalised a mature version of their OS, they come
out with a new, comparatively "lumpy" instantiation of
the OS - but, I suppose that is one valid business

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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