Changing the color and height of a progress bar

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Sun Oct 28 06:32:59 EDT 2007

Hi Mark,

My tutorial #021 'Using PNG images to create custom controls' might  
help you:
This stack shows how, using PNG images with transparency, you are  
able to create any nice custom control.
Three examples are provided: a standard button, a progress bar and a  
special effect.

Among others, the tutorial provides a progress bar, the height of  
which, the width, the color, the thumb position, etc. can be easily  
set to suit your needs.
You will access this tutorial through "Tutorials Picker" a free  
plugin that interfaces with the So Smart Software website in order to  
display all available tutorials stacks directly from the web or you  
may download this tutorial directly from the website.
You will find all this by going to
Revolution/Plugins or Tutorials section.

Le 28 oct. 07 à 02:45, Marc Siskin a écrit :

> We would like to use the Progress bar version of the scroll bar  
> object.  We would like to change the height of the scrollbar (the  
> visible portion of the scrollbar) and to specify a different color  
> for the displayed thumb position.
> Is there a way to changes these values?
> Thank you,
> Marc
> ---------------
> Marc Siskin
> Manager, Modern Language Resource Center
> Carnegie Mellon University
> msiskin at

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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