Problem Running Under Windows

David Burgun dave at
Thu Oct 18 07:34:21 EDT 2007

Hi All,

Apologies if this message has already been posted/answered. My email  
has been playing up and I lost a load of emails last night. If this  
has been answered, would someone mind forwarding me the replies?

I'm still trying make this work and not having much luck at present!

Thanks a lot
All the Best

I have an Application that works ok when running under the RunRev IDE  
and as a Standalone on Mac OS X. However, when I run the start on  
Windows under the IDE, I get the following error:

Type:  Chunk: Can't find stack
Object: CardStartup
Line: else
Hint: ISMColdStart

After stepping thru with the debugger, I found that the error is  
generated when this line is executed:

get value("ISMColdStart(" & myDebugEnableFlag & "," & quote &  
myRunTimeStacksFolderPathName & quote & ")", myColdStartStackLongName)

The values of the variables are:

myDebugEnableFlag = "false"
myRunTimeStacksFolderPathName = "C:/Documents and Settings/BWolff/ 
myColdStartStackLongName = "stack C:/Documents and Settings/BWolff/ 

The folders and the file exist ok at the location stated above.

One thing I tried is to cut and paste the contents of  
myRunTimeStacksFolderPathName into the message box as a command go  
stack C:/Documents and Settings/BWolff/Desktop/RunRevBase/ 

And this loads the stack as expected.

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong here?

All the Best

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