Revolution => Flash

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Oct 18 04:51:38 EDT 2007

Hi Andres,

Please share. It would be especially interesting if we could automate  
the process.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 18-okt-2007, om 5:46 heeft Andres Martinez het volgende geschreven:

> Hello
> I made the question about how to generate Flash animations with  
> Revolution a few days ago, and that email opened a Pandora's box. I  
> don't want to touch that subject again.
> This email is to tell you that I was able to do it :  ).  
> Unfortunately is not a technology but a technique and there are a  
> lot of limitations on the elements that you can export, so if any  
> of you is ever interested I can share the things that I've learned  
> the hard way.
> Regards,
> Andres

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