OS X - Parental Controls: can't start my runrev runtime

andreas andreas at medone.ch
Wed Oct 17 16:19:25 EDT 2007

Hello Ian and all others

thanks for your hint, which brought me to the solution. Googling a  
short time brought out the following:

In short:
Older runrev standalone will not write the CFBundleIdentifier
which is used by OS X to identify the app for parental control.
You have to set this manually with an editor. Well worked:
PlistEditPro which you can download freely. The apple Plist editor.

Check if you have a line with:
if not, add one and set the identifier for example to:  

Thanks to all for their hinst.

Andreas Staempfli

Am 12.10.2007 um 14:20 schrieb Ian Wood:

> I came across this a few years ago, and discovered that there's an  
> extra tag required in the plist for the application before it can  
> be chosen as an allowed program.
> Unfortunately I can't remember any more details, except that the  
> tag name was something like CIExecutable. It definitely started  
> with CI. There should be something in the list archives, probably  
> 2004-5.
> Ian
> On 12 Oct 2007, at 12:38, andreas wrote:
>> thanks for your hint. However the point is the following. If I  
>> follow your advice and choose my app (which is not listed, but can  
>> be selected under "Other...") then OS X pops up a message like  
>> "Can't add this app to the list of allowed programms".
>> It seems, that a Revolution Runtime can't be used with OS X  
>> Parental Control. - At least not my runtime app. I can't figure why.
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