creating scalable web application in rev using mod_load_balancer

Chipp Walters chipp at
Mon Oct 15 23:46:48 EDT 2007


This does sound interesting...and promising as well. Now, for the
'other' side of things. As a thought experiment, I would suggest a
very plain Rev to Javascript GUI implementation which implemented only
the following:

Basic Buttons
Fields (labels, list field, single line and multiple line)
Tab panel
Option menus
Progress and scrollbars
check boxes and radio buttons

Regarding stacks and windows, my first pass implementation would do
away with Cards (Tab panels would work only with Groups)  and the only
'other stacks' would be modal dialog stacks-- all designed in such a
way to return a specified result. Removing support for Tab panels
might make things even simpler.

I would utilize a subset of Transcript for basic business logic, along
with a communication layer which helped move information back and
forth to the server.

Let's say this whole client side is called 'Mr Clean' (instead of
AJAX). IMO, there should also be a Mr. Clean compiler, which could
check for tokens OUTSIDE the Mr.Clean accepted Transcript and flag the
user. If successful, it would launch and display a browser with the
generated HTML/Javascript running. Then, the whole enchilada-- client
to server-- in a browser-- could be built with Rev.

It sounds like fun ;-)


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