Splash Screen Launcher

viktoras didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Tue Oct 9 03:00:35 EDT 2007

Hi Mark,

1) create 2 stacks: one is going to be your launcher splashscreen app, 
the other - stack to be run via the splashscreen;
2) in stack inspector for the launcher stack set "Stack Files" pointing 
to that other stack;
3) in the launcher stack's script editor write:
on openStack
 go stack "thatOtherStack"
 set the visible of me to false
end openStack

4) compile the launcher stack;
5) create a button on that other stack;
6) set the script of that button to:
on mouseUp
 save this stack
end mouseUp
7) set the script of that other stack to:
on closeStack
 quit #to make sure closing the stack closes entire application and not 
just this stack
end closeStack

That's it. Should work now.


Mark Greenberg wrote:
> I need to make a tiny standalone that will launch a stack file so that 
> the user, who doesn't have Rev, can save changes in the stack.  I've 
> done this years ago, but, for the life of me, can't figure out how I 
> did it.  Probably all I need is the script command that will start up 
> the stack file.
> Thanks in advance,
>     Mark Greenberg
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