Printing without margins

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Nov 21 19:31:42 EST 2007

Hello (again),

It seems that this is more a problem of the printPaperSize. I have  
reported this as a bug, which can be read here: <http://>

Any ideas for a workaround are highly appreciated!

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 21-nov-2007, om 19:30 heeft Mark Schonewille het volgende geschreven:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to print a card, starting at the topleft of a page. I  
> have created the following simple script to test printing.
> on mouseUp
>   set the backColor of this cd to "white"
>   set the style of the templategraphic to rectangle
>   if not (there is a grc 1) then create grc
>   set the rect of last grc to the rect of this cd
>   hide me
>   set the printpapersize to (the width of this cd & comma & the  
> height of this cd)
>   set the printmargins to 0,0,0,0
>   open printing with dialog
>   print this cd
>   close printing
>   show me
> end mouseUp
> Before running the script, I have created a custom paper size for  
> my printers, setting the printing area to the entire page and the  
> margins to 0.
> If I run this script in Rev 2.6.1 on Mac OS 9, I get a square that  
> actually starts at position 0,0 on the paper. Printers that are  
> unable to print in the very margin don't print the topleft of the  
> rectangle, but the rectangle is still in the correct position.
> On Mac OS X, using a postscript printer and cups printing to a PDF,  
> there is always a margin, no matter what I try. The rectangle has  
> been shifted to the bottom-right by almost a quarter of an inch. If  
> I print the same rectangle from within any other programme, there  
> is no margin and if I print to PDF, I can see the entire rectangle  
> starting at 0,0.
> I found the following statement in the archives:
>> The printmargins always begin at the spot on the page where the  
>> printer
>> can start printing. If your printer imposes a 1" limitation on all
>> edges, then setting a printmargin of another inch will get you two
>> inches of white space.
> I wonder whether this still applies and whether this is generally  
> considered a bug. There should be a way to consistently print on  
> different printers and different platforms. Does anyone know how?
> Any ideas about printing from within Revolution on Mac OS X with  
> margins truely set to 0?
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille

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