Cross-platform video w/out QT

Andre Garzia andre at
Fri Nov 16 22:04:03 EST 2007


I've been having success with a nice composite scheme. For this you
need RevBrowser, JW Flash Player and/org QT.Instead of loading the
Rev's own qt player, you'll load a RevBrowser rect with a player
inside. This player will be rendered inside an HTML template that is
set using the htmltext property of the revbrowser so no HTTP transfer
or Web Server is needed.

1) Load RevBrowser in a rect.
2) Assemble an HTML template at runtime using JW Flash Player to play
mp4 movies or mp3 or whatever.
3) Load this html in the RevBrowser using htmltext prop of the browser.
4) Be Happy.

For the user there's no difference. Also QT player inside RevBrowser
is performing better than Rev own qt player.

The URL for JW players is:


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