Valentina for RunRev?

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Fri Nov 16 10:51:07 EST 2007

> > Why isn't there a clear link saying "Demo" on the front page?
> Well, like most of software, you can download Valentina and 
> use it in DEMO mode. After purchase you get serials or 
> license files and now able to use software in full mode.
> It seems the whole (or almost) software industry works in 
> this way. Right?
> So we even could not image that somebody could think we do 
> not give demo downloads.  :-)
> But your point is correct. We need improve things, and add 
> some text that explain in many places you can get DEMO. Also 
> add FAQ...

The whole pie is available when you download and install. There is a restart
required on the ADKs and we also have monthly test licenses (these are files
that get installed on the server) for the server products.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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