Bigger is better

Cal Horner calhorner at xtra.Co.NZ
Thu Nov 15 16:05:28 EST 2007

I have a Background object that I use as a pin board in one of my projects.
I have made this pin board a scrolling group object .  I have managed to
make the Background object 32767 x 32765. Which suits at present.

What bothers me is the worry that I may need to make the background object
larger than 32767 x 32767. You know the old saying "Bigger is Better"?

I have tried using the properties panel to enlarge the background, but the
panel seems to disappear into another time continuum when the number goes
above 32767

Is this a limit imposed by Revolution or do any of you have a tried and true
method for making a object  larger area than 32767 x 32767?


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