Updating stack without going to it
Mark Swindell
mdswindell at cruzio.com
Thu Nov 8 22:49:27 EST 2007
Thanks Jim and Ian.
Maybe I've got a handle on the recursion, I don't know.
But maybe you or others can explain the following. I simplified my
setup and recreated the following scenario:
A main stack with a field, and two substacks: FirstSub, SecondSub
At the stack level in the main stack ("The Main One") I have this
on updateNavCard
go stack "the main one"
put "hello"&return after field 1
end updateNavCard
At the stack level of each of the sub stacks I have this:
on resumeStack
end resumeStack
Now I toggle back and forth between the two substack windows.
First two toggles a suspendstack and resumestack is sent and hello
Next two toggles only a suspendstack is sent and no "hello" appears.
Then two more "hellos"
Then two no hellos.
And so on.
This is confirmed in the message watcher (and by the way, how do you
export its contents?).
Why isn't a resume stack sent each time?
On Nov 8, 2007, at 8:52 AM, Jim Ault wrote:
> On 11/8/07 7:49 AM, "Mark Swindell" <mdswindell at cruzio.com> wrote:
>> Can one make visible changes to a stack (change card, update field
>> propeties) without actually going to the stack?
>> I have a situation where I'm trying to update a navigation stack
>> (which is the mainstack) to reflect having selected any of multiple
>> open substacks. I'm using a resumeStack handler to accomplish
>> this . The problem is that I get into a recursive situation, as
>> every time the resumeStack goes out and updates the navigationStack,
>> it has to return to the substack and the resumeStack is called again,
>> and around we go.
>> I know this should be simple, but I'm not getting it.
> I have used this before, but not with resume stack, so I cannot say
> I have
> seen your particular setup, nor have I seen the recursion.
> put "something" into fld "displayData" of stack "Status View"
> set the selection of field "stackList" of stack "mainNav" to 3
> ... but not using suspend/Resume Stack.
> Hope this helps.
> Jim Ault
> Las Vegas
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