Script being inherited by other objects; bug?

User jperryl at
Tue Nov 6 16:22:33 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm working on some very simple storybooks in Rev for my children to help 
them learn to read.

These stacks have text (each word is its own field) that have scripts 
attached to  change the cursor to a hand, change the foregroundcolor of 
the text to red, and use revspeak to speak the word.

There are also simple graphics to illustrate the story.

I have a script attached to an image of a green arrow that I've turned 
into a group with background behavior that also uses a 
mouseEnter/mouseLeave with cursor changes.

Problem is:  the cursor change happens with ALL visible images, even 
thouse not having any scripts attached to them.  It also happens in 
"development" mode.

Does this sound like a bug?  I sent the stack (a whole, whopping 2 cards 
worth) to another Rev user; he couldn't save any changes to the stack, 
confirmed the behavior and, what's more, when he tried to save changes to 
the stack, Rev crashed on him.

I'm on Mac OS Leopard, RevStudio 2.8.1 on a MacTel machine; he's on MacOS 
Tiger (I think), RevStudio 2.8.1`and PPC machine.

Kindest thanks,


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