Flipped PNG loses transparency??

Jean-Paul Poccard jp.poccard at neuf.fr
Sat Nov 3 19:26:25 EDT 2007

Le 3 nov. 07, à 16:53, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com a écrit :

> Is this a known issue?
> It's only happening with a PNG prepared in Photoshop Elements.  I 
> import
> it, duplicate it, and take one of the duplicates and use the flip 
> feature
> in the menu...  It stays transparent while on that card, but if I 
> navigate
> away and come back, the transparency is lost on just that one image.
> Kindest thanks,
> Judy

Are you sure the same problem does not arise with other PNG imported  
images  with transparent zones ? (created with the rubber  for instance 
Does the problem arise when the image has not been flipped ?

a mail about this issue has been sent to the list in december 2006 by 
Paolo Mazza  and I confirmed I found the same symptoms.

This seems to be linked with bug 1090   

I suggest that the victims of this bug vote for  its  treatment


Jean-Paul Poccard.

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