"proof-of-concept" Revolution Online Open Dictionary at revcoders.org

Devin Asay devin_asay at byu.edu
Fri Nov 2 10:05:56 EDT 2007

Great work, Josh!

But we seem to have two competing (and very similar) efforts going  
on. There is Björnke's very nice BvG Docu stack that was recently  
patched by Andre to allow web notes to be posted and displayed in the  
stack. See <http://andregarzia.com/docuwebnotes.html>. I've been  
using Andre's patched version, and it's really quite slick.

Would there be a way to combine the best of both worlds, to let  
Björnke/Andre's project work with your online database, Josh?  
Björnke's stack, being older, is farther along than yours, and that  
would free you up to concentrate on the web/backend pieces.


On Nov 2, 2007, at 2:21 AM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

> I think this "proof-of-concept" experiment has now crossed the line  
> into "no going back" :-)
> I have uploaded a stack here:
> http://revcoders.org/resources/revcoders_db_api.rev.zip
> It is a Revolution stack that:
>  - filters a list of Revolution dictionary terms with each  
> character typed in a search box
>  - once a term is clicked on in the list, grabs the Revolution Open  
> Access Dictionary term definition from the database along with all  
> user-provided tips and code snippets for that term
>  - allows you to add your own helpful tip, code snippet, caveat or  
> link to your stack or webpage relevant to that term
> (try one of the below, those are the ones with comments so far)
>     *  vScroll
>     *  create folder
>     *  binaryEncode
>     *  binaryDecode
>     *  pendingMessages
> ---------------------
> features:
>  - a scrolling group of groups
>  - a "live search" text box
>  - a smart scrollbar that turns on when needed
>  - a demonstration of seamless interaction with a remote database
> Hope you enjoy it.
> PLEASE take a moment and add just one helpful tip or nifty code  
> snippet to a term, it would be a valuable experiment to see how  
> this could work.
> There is plenty yet to be done... please reply if you have  
> suggestions for next steps, or what could be done to make it more  
> useful than what you're using now, or would like to help.

On Oct. 27, 2007, at 06:54, Andre Garzia wrote :

> Hello Friends,
> I've patched BvG Docu + Webnotes to work with my new server. Those
> wanting to see this system working need to download again, my new
> server uses a different scheme for the FTP users so the old login
> can't be used.
> More info and download at: http://andregarzia.com/docuwebnotes.html
> Please take note that all the documentation stuff is done by BvG, I
> just did the webnotes part. This system is naive, we could do
> something better if we worked together.
> :-D
> anyway, it is a cool way to share information. There are some test
> notes in there...

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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