missing mousedowns mystery

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Thu May 31 18:10:27 EDT 2007

Recently, Jeff Reynolds wrote:

> I have a touch screen application where i trigger all events via
> mousedowns (works best for that type of interface).
> The problem is once and a while a mouse down event is not caught by
> revolution.

On a related note, it is sometimes possible to click "through" a stack that
has a deep mask applied to it, thus sending you to the desktop.  This is
very disconcerting, but unrelated to your problem.

I don't have an answer for 'why' the problem is happening, but as a
workaround, I'm wondering if you can add a trap mechanism to your stack to
see if the mouse is within the button's region while the group is visible,
perhaps at the card level.  Something like a mouseDown handler in the card
that tests the mouse's position in conjunction with the visibility of the
group; if true, send mouseDown to the problem button (or trigger the problem
button's script).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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