All this talk about DataBases - but how to select?

Scott Kane scott at
Wed May 30 19:51:41 EDT 2007

From: "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at>

G'day Jacqueline,

> With that much data, a SQL database is better. For smaller databases, you 
> can create one card per record and use the "mark" command to flag the 
> cards that match. For example:

<snip helpfule pseudo code>

> Then you loop through the marked cards to get the information you want. 
> This isn't as fast as a dedicated database but is often good enough for 
> small data sets. You can use any variation of the "find" command (find 
> string, find words, find whole, etc.) to mark the cards. This way you 
> don't need to loop through all the cards. When you are done, unmark all 
> cards.

Yes indeed and it's one of the things that I really like about the 
stack/card paradigm.  I have no doubt how I will have to handle the final 
data but it's fascinating to read peoples musings on Rev stack handling.

Scott Kane
CD Too - Voice Overs Artist  & Original Game and Royalty Free Multi-Media 
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." 
Arthur C Clarke 

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