Showing off stuff at ED-MEDIA

Sivakatirswami katir at
Wed May 30 13:36:05 EDT 2007

Judy Perry wrote:

If your audience will not gasp at culture-religion specific content,
I have a few old edu things I did several years ago that are still
popular and get lots of downloads, even today...

1) on the "Yamas and Niyamas"  (Hindu Guidelines for Good Conduct)

(three age levels in this one... all data is in custom props and 
displayed on
3-4 cards)

2) and  Dancing with Siva Youth Course:

(lots of cool artwork in this one...)

3) and a more straight forward e-book

(this latter is probably not suitable... but... it's there)

If anyone would like the actual rev Stacks (these are standalones) to
tear apart, email me off list.. but frankly, you probably will shudder
at my baby xTalk... but it works... which is, i would say the really
powerful thing about Revolution... someone  who is not a "professional"
programmer, can still easily write code that will get the job done.


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