Closing substack, closes RunRev and the application

Devin Asay devin_asay at
Tue May 29 17:27:31 EDT 2007

On May 29, 2007, at 2:17 PM, mfstuart wrote:

> Hi all,
> While in edit mode of my application, I opened a substack and added  
> a script
> to a button. I saved the application with the File > Save - so far no
> problem. But when I clicked on the substacks X (Close) button, it  
> closed the
> complete application and exited Run Rev.
> Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong here?


If your mainstack (which becomes the executable when saved as  
standalone) has an closeStack handler that issues a quit command,  
then any substack that does not have its own closeStack handler would  
automatically pass closeStack up to the mainstack, triggering the quit.

Just a guess, but this has happened to me before.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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