shell command problem

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at
Tue May 29 17:16:19 EDT 2007

Correct method found!!!

ON mouseUp
     put field "myControl2" into tControl
     IF tControl is not "" THEN
         put shell("/bin/iRed" && fld "myControl2")
         revspeak "OH OH"
	-- other error correction here
     END IF
END mouseUp


  -send "Robosapien V2" "square"

in field "myControl2" instead of ( iRed -send "Robosapien V2"  
"square"). Apparently using the path and command works and then the  
iRed is not needed before the command.

It now works and I am using Revolution to completely control the  
"Robosapien V2" Robot from Sharper image and also the "Alive  
Chimpanzee" as well. This opens up the option to have a Chimp alert  
me to new email or other environmental controls as well as to create  
software to allow or give the impression of "Artificial Personality".  
I prefer AP over AI since the personality is the better part for most  
people any way and not the intelligence.

I had already figured out how to control the robot via speech  
recognition and Applescript as well as using a USB keypad (iKeys) and  
iCal for timed events etc. but I wanted to accomplish it with having  
to have the iRed application open and since they provided the  
CommandLine app version of iRed that seemed the best way to go. Now  
it is running smoothly and I need to put it all together and finalize  
the interface.

Once I am finished putting this all together I will upload to my user  
area with details on how to accomplish this wonderful treat.

Thanks Mark and Thierry.


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