"Around the house with RR"

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Mon May 28 09:13:17 EDT 2007

The point of my message is that when I discovered that
my stack had been set to build Mac OS and Windows
standalones those were not settings I had set for that
specific stack, but settings for a thing I was using
for beta-testing. In fact, as I intended to buiold for
Linux on the Linux boxes themselves, I had made a
point of not opening the standalone settings as I
could see no reason to. Once installed on the Linux
boxes and opened in RR 2.2.1 I would build my
Linux-only standalones.

Therefore RR 2.8.1 had just transferred settings
across to my new stack. This sounds a bit like all
those other software companies who assume they know
what is best for their clients

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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